Beijing Rui Si Race Track

  • 大陸: アジア
  • 国名/地域: 中国
  • サーキット名: Beijing Rui Si Race Track
  • サーキットの長さ: 1.4 km
  • ベンド数: 13


Beijing Rui Si Race Track, located in Yangsong Town, Huairou, Beijing, covers an area of 370,000 square meters, and is not only a year-round track. And the professionalism of the track has been recognized by many - the asphalt track is 1.4 kilometers long, the gravel rally track is 1.5 kilometers long, the off-road track covers an area of 10,000 square meters, the driving control site (drift site) covers an area of 20,000 square meters, and there is also the only exclusive straight-line acceleration track in North China with a total length of 850 meters, and a large empty field, etc. The track is the only straight-line acceleration course in North China with a length of 850 meters and a big empty field.

Beijing Rui Si Race Track 到着してすぐ運転


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Beijing Rui Si Race Track レースカレンダー 2025


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