Price dropped! 2016 Audi R8 GT3 EVO I


EUR 188,000

  • Year: 2016
  • Manufacturer: Audi
  • Model: R8 GT3 EVO
  • Class: GT3
  • Vehicle Location: China - Zhejiang - Ningbo
  • Near: Ningbo International Circuit
  • Publishing Time: 2024-01-05 14:31

Seller Info

  • Company: 51GT3.COM
  • Country/Region: China
  • Registration: 2019-12-20
  • Registration IP:
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2016 Audi R8 GT3 EVO I With a 5.2L N/A Engine, and 6-Speed SEQ Gearbox Car is free of crash damage to any metal parts Basic info: VIN: AS4SAFGT201600060 Engine Number: DARG02618 Vehicle info: Chassis Mileage: 28,365KM Newest lifting sheet( after last race @ June 26, 2023) Homologation Parts Expiry Date: Racing Harness: 2023 Racing Seat: 2025 Fuel Tank: FEB 2022 Fire Extinguisher: APR 2024 Optional parts: 3 sets of wheels Race record: 2021 GTSSC and CEC race in Shanghai International Circuit

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