GT4 Winter Series

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Prehľad GT4 Winter Series

The GT4 Winter Series is a premier racing championship dedicated to GT4-class race cars, taking place during the winter months across some of Southern Europe's most renowned circuits. Organized by GEDLICH Racing, the series offers drivers and teams the opportunity to compete in favorable climates from January to March.

Each event weekend features two qualifying sessions, two 30-minute sprint races, and a 60-minute endurance race, allowing participants to experience diverse racing formats. The series accommodates both professional and amateur drivers, with classifications such as PRO, PRO/AM, and AM. All participating vehicles must adhere to GT4 homologation standards, ensuring competitive parity through a Balance of Performance (BoP) system.

A notable highlight for the 2025 season is the introduction of two six-hour endurance races, scheduled at Portimão and Barcelona-Catalunya. These events are designed to challenge teams with extended race durations, emphasizing strategy and durability.

The GT4 Winter Series serves as an excellent platform for drivers to refine their skills and for teams to prepare for the main racing season, all while enjoying the favorable winter conditions of Portugal and Spain.

GT4 Winter Series Tímové hodnotenia

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Rebríček pretekárov v GT4 Winter Series

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Celkové poradie na pódiách

Celkové hodnotenie pretekov

Celkové umiestnenie v sezónach

Vyššie uvedené hodnotenia sú založené na aktuálnych údajoch o pretekoch rôznych sérií/tímov/jazdcov zaznamenaných 51GT3. Ak chcete odoslať údaje o pretekoch, ktoré sme doteraz nezaznamenali, prosím, kontaktujte nás. Kliknite sem, aby ste nás kontaktovali a odoslali údaje.

GT4 Winter Series Preteky Okruh Hodnotenia