Alex Imperatori

ड्राइवर प्रोफाइल
  • अंग्रेजी पूरा नाम: Alex Imperatori
  • राष्ट्रीयता: स्विट्ज़रलैंड
  • उम्र: 37
  • जन्म तिथि: 1987-04-19
  • हालिया टीम: Absolute Racing
  • कुल पोडियम: 13 (🏆 7 / 🥈 3 / 🥉 3)
  • कुल रेसें: 14
जुड़ने के लिए आवेदन करें

51GT3 X-lingual AI द्वारा अनुवादित।

रेसर्स का अवलोकन

Alexandre Imperatori is a Swiss-German racing driver who lives in Shanghai, China. He has been racing professionally since 2003, and has competed in a variety of series, including Formula Renault, Formula Nippon, Super GT, and the FIA World Endurance Championship. Imperatori is a two-time champion of the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia, and has also won races in the Asian Formula Renault Challenge and the Japanese Formula 3 Championship. He is currently the Series Manager for the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia.

Alex Imperatori पोडियम

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