Price dropped! 2021 Audi R8 LMS GT3 EVO II(Free Global Shipping) #29



  • Year: 2021
  • Manufacturer: Audi
  • Model: R8 LMS GT3 EVO
  • Class: GT3
  • Vehicle Location: China - Zhejiang - ningbo
  • Near: Ningbo International Circuit
  • Publishing Time: 2024-01-05 14:31

Seller Info

  • Company: 51GT3.COM
  • Country/Region: China
  • Registration: 2019-12-20
  • Registration IP:
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The race car is maintained by offical Audi Sports customer GT team, car is in good condition. No frame damage. Basic info: -VIN: AS4SAFGT2021E1146 -Engine Number: DARG02655 -Roll-cage Number: 43-4/67-S -Mileage on dashboard: 10,424KM(until Aug 18,2023). -Frame Mileage: 1,740KM(until Aug 16,2023), replaced with brand new frame at 8,356KM. -Engine Mileage: 10,096KM(until Aug 16,2023). -Gearbox Mileage: 10,096KM(rebuild by Phantom Pro Racing at 7,218KM, revision at 9,229KM). Homologation Parts Expiry Date: -Fire Extinguisher: DEC 2024 -Racing Seat: 2029

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