Service Type AllRace Seat
Racing Circuit AllZhuhai International Circuit
Racing Series AllCircuit Hero - Three

Circuit Hero - Three - Race Seat - Honda Civic

CNY 18,900 / Race Book in Advance China Zhuhai International Circuit Race Seat

Zhuhai Circuit Hero III is the most eye-catching local event, suitable for new drivers to gain ex...

Circuit Hero - Three - Race Seat - Honda Civic

CNY 13,800 / Race Book in Advance China Zhuhai International Circuit Race Seat

There are three competitions a year, and you can get three free practice sessions (worth 6,000 yu...

Circuit Hero - Three - Race Seat - Trumpchi EMPOW

CNY 16,800 / Race Book in Advance China Zhuhai International Circuit Race Seat

There are three competitions a year, and you can get three free practice sessions (worth 7,000 yu...