Climax Racing

Informace o týmu
  • Název týmu v angličtině: Climax Racing
  • Země/Region: Čína
  • Webová stránka:
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  • „Domácí trať“: Mezinárodní okruh v Šanghaji

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Přeloženo 51GT3 X-lingual AI.

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Since its inception, Climax Racing has taken Lamborghini as its entry point. After years of continuous internal development and growth, it now operates nearly 20 GT race cars, including several ultra-luxury brands such as Lamborghini, Porsche, Mercedes-AMG, and Audi R8, with GT3 and GT4 race cars.

In 2020, the team, in partnership with Lamborghini, won multiple top awards in domestic top endurance events, including the China Endurance Championship International Group.

In 2021, the team, in partnership with multiple brands, participated in well-known domestic and Asian events such as the CEC China Endurance Championship, PCCA Asia Porsche Carrera Cup, and GTSSC Sprint Challenge, winning multiple annual championships and achieving remarkable results.

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