SilverRocket Racing

Takım Bilgileri
  • İngiliz Takım Adı: SilverRocket Racing
  • Ülke/Bölge: Çin
  • İçerik şu şekilde çevrilir: Web Sitesi:
  • Ev Pisti: Şanghay Uluslararası Pisti

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Şimdi İletişime Geçin

51GT3 X-lingual AI tarafından çevrilmiştir.

Yarış Takımı Tanıtımı

SilverRocket Racing is the largest official Porsche customer racing team in Asia, known for its outstanding performance and multiple podium finishes in various Porsche racing events. In order to bring its extensive Porsche racing experience to Porsche enthusiasts, SilverRocket Racing also develops performance products designed to maximize the potential of Porsche GT&RS models.

Our goal is to promote racing culture and help car enthusiasts enter the exciting world of racing.

To achieve this goal, we set out to provide first-class racing products and professional racing services at reasonable prices. To date, we have helped hundreds of professional and amateur racers achieve better lap times with our products and services.

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