Wolf.51GT3.COM 51GT3 Certifikovaný tím

Informácie o tíme
  • Anglický názov tímu: Wolf.51GT3.COM
  • Krajina/Oblasť: Čína
  • Webová stránka: https://wolf.51gt3.com
  • Domáci okruh: Medzinárodný okruh v Šanghaji

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Preložené AI 51GT3 X-lingual.

Úvod do pretekárskeho tímu

The Wolf 51GT3 team is the exclusive agent of Wolf Racing in Asia and is committed to introducing Wolf Racing's latest models to the Asian market. In 2024, 51GT3 officially introduced Wolf Racing's latest model, the Wolf Mistral V6, a racing car built with F1 technology and experience, with an ultra-high aerodynamic downforce of 1,100KG and F1-level safety certification. The body of this model uses a carbon fiber monocoque cockpit that complies with the 2005 F1 safety standard Art.277 and is equipped with a HALO system that meets FIA standards. With its excellent racing performance and rich competition experience, the Wolf 51GT3 team provides Asian racing enthusiasts with a high-performance, high-safety racing option. To learn more about the Wolf Mistral V6 racing car, please visit https://wolf.51gt3.com/

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Medzinárodný okruh v Šanghaji - Prenájom závodného auta - Wolf GB08 Mistral V6

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