Lu Jia Jun

Profilul Pilotului
  • Nume complet în engleză: Lu Jia Jun
  • Naționalitate: Hong Kong S.A.R.
  • Echipă recentă: Dongfeng Yueda Kia 778 Racing Team
  • Podiumuri totale: 0 (🏆 0 / 🥈 0 / 🥉 0)
  • Total curse: 0
Aplică pentru a te alătura

Tradus de 51GT3 X-lingual AI.

Prezentare Generală a Cursantului

Lu Jia Jun is a Hong Kong Chinese race car driver known for his outstanding performance in the China Touring Car Championship (CTCC). He has been competing in the CTCC since 2004 and was runner-up in the Super Production Car Natural Intake Class Driver of the Year in 2011. Lu is also the driver and team manager of the Dongfeng Yueda Kia 778 team, which has achieved excellent results in a number of races. In the 71st Macau Grand Prix, Lu Jiajun had an outstanding performance in the Grand Prix GT Cup, although he was eventually penalized posthumously due to a rules dispute, his performance still proved his strength and racing spirit.

Rezultatele calificărilor pentru pilotul Lu Jia Jun

Timp Tur Echipa de curse Circuit de curse Model mașină de curse Nivel Mașină de Curse Anul / Seria de curse
01:54.873 Circuitul Internațional Ordos KIA K2 CTCC 2012 China Touring Car Championship

Serii de curse la care a participat pilotul Lu Jia Jun

Echipe de Curse Deservite de Pilotul Lu Jia Jun

„Mașini de curse conduse de pilotul Lu Jia Jun”