Hong Kong Touring Car Championship

Kalender Balap Hong Kong Touring Car Championship 2025

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Gambaran Umum Hong Kong Touring Car Championship

The Hong Kong Touring Car Championship (HKTCC / HTCC) is one of the most prominent and historic motorsport events in Hong Kong. Established in the 1970s, the championship focuses on touring car racing and has been a significant platform for local drivers to showcase their skills. The HKTCC features a range of modified production cars competing in various categories based on engine size and performance. The races are held primarily at the Guangdong International Circuit in mainland China due to the lack of permanent racing facilities in Hong Kong. The championship has played a crucial role in developing the motorsport culture in Hong Kong, providing an exciting and competitive environment for both amateur and professional drivers. Over the years, it has attracted a loyal fan base and continues to be a key event in the region’s racing calendar.

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