AF2 Motorsport

टीम जानकारी
  • अंग्रेजी टीम का नाम: AF2 Motorsport
  • देश/क्षेत्र: स्पेन
  • वेबसाइट:
  • ईमेल:
  • फ़ोन नंबर: +34 635 299 444

इस टीम ने पहले ही शामिल हो गया है।

संपर्क करें अब

51GT3 X-lingual AI द्वारा अनुवादित।

रेसिंग टीम का परिचय

AF2 MOTORSPORT is a company active in motor racing competitions as well as in the maintenance and preparation of racing cars. With more than 30 years of experience in the sector, we have participated in various high-level international and national championships in single-seaters, GT, Prototypes, Touring and even in Dakar, always with results to show for it.

Exceptional participations in some of the best races in the world such as the 24 Hours of Spa (7x), the 24 Hours of Dubai (3x), the 24 Hours of Nürburgring (2x), and the Paris-Dakar (4x) among others, as well as in the FIA ​​GT1, FIA GT3, Blancpain GT Series, 24 Hours Series, GT4 European, Formula Super VW, Formula 3 championships.

For some time now, the team has been working on an LMP3 program. We have opportunities to test in LMP3 on different circuits in Spain and Europe.

Interested? Please contact us by mail via or by phone at +34 635 299 444

AF2 Motorsport आगमन और ड्राइव

सभी देखें (5)

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EUR 25,000 / सीट अग्रिम बुक करें फ्रांस पॉल रिकार्ड सर्किट

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अल्टीमेट कप यूरोपियन सीरीज़ - रेस सीट - लिज़ियर JS P3

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AF2 Motorsport की गैलरी