David Schumacher

Kuljettajan profiili
  • Englannin koko nimi: David Schumacher
  • Kansallisuus: Saksa
  • Viimeisin tiimi: Sauber Junior Team by Charouz
  • Kokonaismäärä palkintopallisijoja: 0 (🏆 0 / 🥈 0 / 🥉 0)
  • Kokonaiskilpailut: 0
Hae liittyäksesi

Käännetty 51GT3 X-kielisellä AI:lla.

Kilpailijan Yleiskatsaus

David Schumacher is a German racing driver born on October 23, 2001, into a family with a rich motorsport heritage. He is the son of former Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher and the nephew of seven-time Formula 1 World Champion Michael Schumacher, making him part of one of the most renowned families in the sport. David's career in racing began in karting, where he demonstrated his potential and passion for motorsports from a young age.

Transitioning from karting to single-seater racing, David Schumacher made his debut in the ADAC Formula 4 Championship. His performances in Formula 4 showcased his talent and determination, earning him several podium finishes and solidifying his status as a rising star in motorsport. Following his stint in Formula 4, David progressed to higher categories, including the Formula Regional European Championship and the FIA Formula 3 Championship, where he continued to develop his skills against some of the most competitive young drivers in the world.

Kilpailijan David Schumacher aika-ajotulokset

Kierrosaika Kilpatiimi Kilparata Kilpa-auton malli Kilpa-auton taso Vuosi / Kilpasarja
02:07.587 Macao Guia -rata Other F3 Formula 2019 Macau Grand Prix

Kilpasarja, jossa kilpailija David Schumacher osallistui

Kilpatiimit, joita Kilpa-ajaja David Schumacher palvelee

Kilpa-ajajan David Schumacher ajamat kilpa-autot