TSS Thailand Super Series

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TSS Thailand Super Series Oversigt

Thailand Super Series (TSS), is the touring car racing series established since 2013 and is sanctioned by FIA. TSS is the leader series in Thailand and is famous for teams and drivers internationally as the evidences from the entry list which included Platinum/ Gold license drivers. Several well known professional drivers are presented in the series. In 2020, TSS was selected to join with F1 in Hanoi as the support race.

TSS Thailand Super Series Hold Rangering

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TSS Thailand Super Series Raceranglister

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De ovenstående ranglister er baseret på de aktuelle racedata fra forskellige serier/teams/kørere, som er registreret af 51GT3. Hvis du ønsker at indsende racedata, som vi endnu ikke har registreret, bedes du kontakte os. Klik her for at kontakte os for at indsende data

TSS Thailand Super Seriess galleri

TSS Thailand Super Series Racing Circuit Ranglister

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