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Mintimes GT Asia Series is a brand new high-class intercontinental GT race, organized by Mintimes Group and Sepang International Circuit (SIC) in Malaysia, and exclusively promoted and operated by Beijing Mintimes Sports Industry Investment Co. The event follows the trend of GT racing in the world, with GT3, GT4 and GTC categories, driver ratings and groupings divided into Pro, Am and Pro/Am categories, as well as accepting manufacturers' and club teams' registrations.The Mintimes GT Asia Series' diversified groupings cover the mainstream GT racing categories in the world's motorsports world, aiming at attracting participation from professional drivers and gentleman drivers, as well as Manufacturer teams and outstanding clubs to participate in international GT racing.

The first season will be held in China, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries in the well-known circuit tour, attracting the participation of many teams and drivers in the Asian region. the debut of the Mintimes GT Asia Series caters to the GT motorsports booming world racing trend, for the Asian region's GT teams to create a platform for exchanges, to witness China's motorsports industry towards internationalization.

Žebříček týmů MINTIMES GT ASIA Series

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Celkové pořadí stupňů vítězů

Celkové pořadí závodů

Celkové hodnocení sezón

Žebříček závodníků MINTIMES GT ASIA Series

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Celkové pořadí stupňů vítězů

Celkové pořadí závodů

Celkové hodnocení sezón

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Výsledky kvalifikace MINTIMES GT ASIA Series

Žebříčky závodních okruhů MINTIMES GT ASIA Series