Northern China Series

Kalendář závodů Northern China Series 2025

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Přehled Northern China Series

The North China Car Series (NCS) is an automotive event held in the northern part of China and consists of sprint races and endurance races. Organized by the Beijing Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Association and hosted and promoted by Qinhuangdao Weitian Sports Development Co., Ltd, the NCS is designed to provide a competitive platform to attract racing enthusiasts and professional drivers.

The race took place in Qinhuangdao's Shougang Racing Valley, a 3.8-kilometer track with 17 corners, the world's first professional race track through a metallurgical industrial plant, and China's first professional race track that fully protects and utilizes its industrial heritage.By organizing races in different categories, the NCS aims to promote the exchange of automotive culture and technology between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, as well as to promote the development of the local cultural and tourism industries.

Žebříček týmů Northern China Series

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Celkové pořadí stupňů vítězů

Celkové pořadí závodů

Celkové hodnocení sezón

Žebříček závodníků Northern China Series

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Celkové pořadí stupňů vítězů

Celkové pořadí závodů

Celkové hodnocení sezón

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Výsledky závodu Northern China Series

Žebříčky závodních okruhů Northern China Series