GT Winter Series

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Přehled GT Winter Series

The GT Winter Series is a premier racing championship organized by GEDLICH Racing, designed to provide teams and drivers with competitive track time during the European off-season. Entering its sixth season in 2025, the series features five events across some of Southern Europe's most renowned circuits.

Each event weekend comprises two qualifying sessions, two 30-minute sprint races, and a 55-minute endurance race, allowing participants to experience diverse racing formats.

The series emphasizes competitive balance through a carefully crafted Balance of Performance (BoP) system, ensuring fairness across all classes.

The GT Winter Series serves as an excellent platform for drivers to refine their skills and for teams to prepare for the main racing season, all while enjoying the favorable winter conditions of Portugal and Spain.

Žebříček týmů GT Winter Series

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Celkové pořadí stupňů vítězů

Celkové pořadí závodů

Celkové hodnocení sezón

Žebříček závodníků GT Winter Series

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Celkové pořadí stupňů vítězů

Celkové pořadí závodů

Celkové hodnocení sezón

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Žebříčky závodních okruhů GT Winter Series