Wolf GB08 Extreme

Especificacions tècniques

  • Marca del Model: Wolf
  • Model: GB08 Extreme
  • Classe de Model: Fórmula
  • Motor: Ford 5.2 V8
  • Caixa de canvis: Wolf Power RC184 Transaxle
  • Potència: 650 hp
  • Par motor: -
  • Capacitat: 5.2 liters
  • Sistema d'estabilització (TC): Wolf Power Traction Control
  • ABS: Bosch Motorsport (Optional)
  • Pes: 650 Kg
  • Mida de la roda davantera: 11x13"
  • Mida de la roda posterior: 13.7x13"

Visió General del Model

The Wolf GB08 Extreme V8 is a high-performance single-seater sports prototype developed by Wolf Racing Cars. Weighing 650 kg and powered by a naturally aspirated Ford V8 engine producing 650 horsepower, it achieves an impressive power-to-weight ratio of 1:1. The vehicle’s advanced aerodynamics generate over 1,100 kg of downforce through ground effect, enhancing stability and handling at high speeds.  The carbon fiber monocoque chassis ensures structural rigidity and safety, meeting FIA standards and incorporating the Halo device for driver protection.  The GB08 Extreme V8 is designed for various motorsport applications, including hill climbs, endurance races, and track days, offering exceptional performance and driving dynamics. 

Wolf GB08 Extreme Arriba & Condueix

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